In addition to making certain specific investigations, Colonel Hammond was asked in the Secretary of State’s instructions ‘to advise on railway extension generally – regarding Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika as a single whole from the point of view of railway and harbour / development.’ The advisability of a demarcation of railway basins is raised in a pressing form by the fact that a railway is under actual construction from Tabora to Shinyanga, and that the continuation of this line to Lake Victoria at Mwanza is being vigorously urged in many quarters. Its object, as Hammond pointed out, was ‘to tap the rich districts of Ruanda and Urundi, and to divert both this and the traffic of the Mwanza district from the Uganda Railway Marine.’ The Uganda Railway has aimed at the encouragement of production throughout the area which it serves. For this reason it has adopted a system of cheap long distance export rates and comparatively high import rates.