This chapter discusses the agreement that was made between the Central Africa Railway (C.A.R) companies and Shire Highlands Railway (S.H.R) Companies. The C.A.R/S.H.R Agreement is also dependent upon the Trans-Zambesia Railway Agreement becoming unconditional. The Zambesi Bridge Committee saw considerable objection to varying the terms of the Conditional Agreement in a specific manner, and they did not see why the completion of the purchase of the S.H.R. and C.A.R. shares should not be carried through forthwith. In the circulars sent out to the shareholders and debenture holders of C.A.R. and S.H.R. it was made clear that the Conditional Agreement would not become unconditional until any necessary consents were obtained from the Portuguese Government. The Conditional Agreement was offered for inspection and the shareholders and debenture holders concerned must be taken to have full notice of its contents.