The approximate number of European inhabitants per mile of railway averages 24, as against about 160 in the Union of South Africa. The growth of the railway system is illustrated by taking figures at five-yearly intervals. Such figures exclude all results applicable to the line between Broken Hill and the Congo border, which is leased from the Rhodesia-Katanga Junction Railway Company. The control of the whole system, with the exception of the Blink-water Railway and the Rhodesia-Katanga Junction Railway & Mineral Company, is in the hands of the British South Africa Company. The control of virtually the whole system by the British South Africa Company has simplified the question of management. The Rhodesian Railways Limited is the managing company for the whole system, except the Vryburg-Bulawayo section. The railways of Rhodesia were built about twenty-five to thirty years ago as pioneer lines, and they have retained until quite recently the chief characteristics of such lines.