208Over the past few decades, dramatic advances have been made in learning theory, instructional theory, and technological tools for both instruction and instructional design (ID). The Holistic 4D Model has been developed to incorporate these advances into the ID process. But additional significant advances will surely continue over the next few decades, and the Holistic 4D Model needs to continue to evolve. We do not view this model as proprietary – as ours. We encourage contributions to its evolution from other ID experts. Our vision is that the next edition of this book will have sections authored by other experts. We recognize that many instructional design decisions are situational – that the designs (instructional methods) need to change from one situation to another. This model does not yet include all kinds of instruction for all kinds of situations. So, if you see ways this model can be improved, please write up your ideas and contact one of us to discuss them. Our field will advance more if we collaborate and build on each other’s ideas and experiences.