Humans, as part of God's creation of earth, are also objects of ownership by God, as are all of earth's inhabitants. Psalm 24: 1 goes on to announce that 'the earth is the Lord's, all that is in it and those who live in it'. In Psalm 19: 1–4: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Walker-Jones comments on Psalm 104 that the Lord is 'a storm god'. The Lord is a storm god and sky lord, not an earth, nor land, nor water Lord. Water beings embody a patriarchal horror of the watery, the slimy and the monstrous. Walker-Jones comments that in Psalm 104: 29–30 'death is not viewed as something evil, but as a natural part of the cycle of life'. The cycle of life here is dust-life-dust and not the circle of life-death-new life in which new life springs out of death.