This chapter introduces the course evaluation stages that are available in the discourse namely, pre-evaluation, evaluation during the course and post-evaluation. The areas to be evaluated include the course materials, content covered, teacher performance, the teaching methodology employed and the modes of assessment. The evaluation of the Building Confidence to Speak English course can be carried out in terms of three accepted course evaluation stages: the pre-evaluation, in-course evaluation, and post-evaluation stages. Therefore, any tool that is used for the course evaluation to examine whether learner confidence in speaking English has been improved and whether the fear factor has diminished or has begun to diminish. The objective of the course evaluation is to see whether the students’ confidence to speak English has been improved, not their English language proficiency. Any mechanism for course evaluation should examine are first, learner confidence to speak in terms of location and people, second, course materials and their content, third, teacher performance and fourth assessment modes.