This chapter examines the objective marks by which topics are assembled under the scope of Economics, or distinguished as the topics of Political Science; and to discuss the advantage to a co-ordinated social research of contracting, extending, splitting up, or amalgamating these various "scopes". The division on International Trade also deals with the terms on which articles exchange, modified by supposing labour and to some extent capital to be immobile, as they actually are between different countries. The most obvious principle in the division of labour is that practised among the historians of specializing in one particular stretch of their longitudinal view. Political Science proper would be concerned with the form of organization of the controlling body whether a department of State, a semi-public corporation, a committee of municipal council, or a regulated company. Taxation is non-trading revenue of government, and its converse, the non-trading expenditure of governments, is also a question for political science, rather than for economics.