A real test of the usefulness of discrete choice models is in the range of meaningful applications. While the number of applications have been increasing significantly over the last three years, the majority have been research oriented, often as a case study to demonstrate the use of a concept. P.R. Stopher & C.G. Wilmot developed a series of mode choice models for the work trip in two municipalities on the periphery of Johannesburg. The basic choice model was estimated using the maximum-likelihood method. A separate model is initially developed for each individual, with each observation being defined in terms of successive assignments of single stations in an allocation preference experimental design. Considerable difficulty was experienced in obtaining a model specification which adequately reflected the importance of cost on duration choice. P.K. Robins & R.C. Spiegelman were interested in the determinants of choice of child care type and, in particular, two child care modes that are market- oriented.