Considering Richard Mulcaster's accounts within the context of religious, marital, and political negotiation and debate, this chapter offers a rereading of the coronations entry's event/text relationship as an early example of the turn toward a mode of representational practice that constructed a sense of presence, intimacy and access unavailable to viewers of the event itself. In examining and reconsidering these accounts, it explores an emergent privileging of text over image, spectacle, and experience that would gradually coalesce into the primacy of print culture over visual culture—a process reliant on a representational strategy that would profoundly shape literary and scientific work throughout the early modern and modern periods. In the late Elizabethan and Jacobean periods, the primary source for information about Elizabeth I's coronation entry was Holinshed's Chronicles, which includes the complete text of the Mulcaster's pamphlet, and reprinted editions of the pamphlet itself.