The Genoa summit was the target of violent riots, which left one dead, over 200 injured and an estimated $40 million of damage. The G7 statement covered economic prospects, a new trade round, strengthening the financial system and debt relief, plus a sentence welcoming the closure of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Berlusconi and Annan, in the presence of the other G8 leaders, announced the formation of a Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, with pledges from the G8 countries of $1.3 billion. Education promised to be the subject with the greatest substance. The most impressive document issued at the summit was the first report of the Digital Opportunity Task-Force established at Okinawa to help poor countries benefit from Communications Technology. An earlier passage in the communiqué noted the potential value of biotechnology for agriculture in poor countries. The Italians had to be satisfied with the strong conflict prevention component of the Genoa Plan for Africa.