Christina Maslach and Sandra Jackson saw burnout as a syndrome of emotional exhaustion and cynicism that occurs frequently among those who work in people-related areas of work. In 1986 Maslach and Jackson produced the second edition of the aslach Burnout Inventory. The Involvement subscale was removed. In considering the relationship between age and burnout, Maslach found that burnout is likely to occur in the first few years of a person's career. Maslach felt that the prevalence of the burnout phenomenon and the range of different staff who were affected indicated that the cause of burnout was primarily situational and that research should therefore be focused on uncovering the characteristics of the bad situation. There has been a great deal of research into the correlation between religiosity and measures of stress, but very little research into the correlation between religiosity and burnout as measured by the Maslach Burnout Inventory.