Preventing toxins from being released in the community is most effective way to reduce human exposure to harmful chemicals. Exposure to environmental toxins-or poisonous substances-can cause severe health effects ranging from respiratory infections to birth defects, cancer, and death. The links between exposure to toxic chemicals and health are well researched with many systematic reviews on the health risks of specific toxins and pollutant sources. Neighborhood design can exacerbate or reduce existing air pollution through air circulation and dispersion patterns; the location of busy roadways and industrial and waste sites; and presence or lack of vegetation. Stormwater tends to have a higher content of heavy metals whereas wastewater is a large source of organic and nitrogenous pollution. Waste is often contaminated with chemicals, heavy metals, microbes, and fecal matter. Ideally, where technology is available, waste can be turned into energy production. Toxic exposures are a particular problem for children-though depending on the source, many other population groups may be affected.