In this chapter I will first cover the psychology of lighting, including some basic definitions, followed by six elements to consider when lighting a scene. Then I'll examine exposure, and provide examples exploring the dramatic analysis and lighting for indoor and outdoor scenes. I will not, however, cover the technical aspects of how to set up lights nor will I show the different types of lighting you can use. There are many resources—from books to online video tutorials—that dig into this. Rather, I will focus on how lighting makes visible and elucidates the story elements of blocking and subtext we covered in Chapter 1 and composition in Chapter 2. Examples will be drawn from Blade Runner, Blade Runner 2049, "Fragments" (a short fiction piece sponsored by Canon, which includes behind the scenes lighting setups), Jessica Jones (with material from a personal interview with the DP, Manuel Billeter), an exercise from my cinematography class, and an analysis of lighting in the Netflix series, Chef's Table ("Dominique Crenn"), including material used from a personal interview with Adam Bricker, one of the DPs for that series.