The human mind is so constituted that it will insist on finding a resemblance between any two objects or forms presented for its inspection; and the more unlike the two objects, the more enjoyable is the challenge to discover the secret likeness. Sigmund Freud's observations can be categorized and reorganized according to the kinds of condensation and the materials that are condensed – a kind of "anatomy of condensation." There are several kinds of condensation. These are: lexical condensation; formal condensation; and ideational condensation. In simple overdetermined condensation, the dreamwork condenses several ideas into one object. The interobjects produced in dreams may tell something about the organization of the mindbrain. Transgressions of species, so common in mythology, are common in children's dreams. Category transgressions are unacceptable in daytime communication, except perhaps to poets and madmen, but they are acceptable to most of us in our dreams.