At many moments in his work, Friedrich Nietzsche reads scientific activity itself as in the grip of a will to power which it cannot theorize and does not know. Nietzsche argues that a fundamental force of rhetoric governs all scientific inquiry is to beg the question of the nature and status of force in this account. This chapter explores his thinking of force and the ways in which 'force' redounds on his own thinking and writing. The analogy between force and allows to understand the perdurance and projection of force over time and distance as a desirous and wilful striving. Analogy draws on the similarity between otherwise unlike things, bridging the distance between them through the appeal to logos, proportion, or ratio. Nietzsche's most thoroughgoing discussion of language and rhetoric in their relation to our comprehension and experience of the world comes in his lecture 'Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinn' ('On Truth and Lying in an Extramoral Sense').