Areas A, X, Y and XR form a large proportion of the Middle Ward of Dryslwyn Castle, which was added to the existing Inner Ward in Phase 3a. Phase 3a saw the construction of the polygonal Middle Ward wall. The external face of the Phase 3a Middle Ward wall was located at various points in Area XR, including the junctions with the later, Phase 4a, Outer Ward wall and the buttress. There is no well in the Inner Ward and no evidence of a cistern was recovered. It would appear, therefore, that the earliest castle relied on the nearby River Tywi for its water, a requirement that explains the existence and location of the postern gate in Area H. Castle Gatehouse W was constructed as an integral part of the Outer Ward, its east wall forming a continuation of the curtain wall. The Main Gatehouse at Chepstow had an outer portcullis and gate and inner portcullis as early as cll90.