This chapter aims to use the theories of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, in conjunction with those of Leo Bersani on modes of relationality. It also aims to reveal the full deconstructive potential of homosexuality in Onde andara Duke Veiga? The narrator-protagonist's first ever job as a journalist had been to interview Dulce Veiga in her apartment shortly before her disappearance, hence his current fascination. The narrative then offers a tentative and limited exploration of the effects of the narrator-protagonist and Pedro Bial progressive possession by, and generation of, the libidinal field of consistency. Furthermore, Deleuze and Guattari argue that the notion of an Oedipal basis for all desire has been palmed off rather unconvincingly by society with the aphorism: the truly desired is always that which is forbidden. In their critical onslaught on psychoanalysis, they then proceed to jettison the conception of a universal Oedipal/repressive—or psychoanalytically structured—unconscious.