This chapter briefly distinguishes Lire Roger Laporte's work from a particular current of literary postmodernism in France, to which it bears a limited resemblance. It also signals the proximity of Laporte to certain other writers in the sort of community described by him in Entre deux mondes. A number of figures associated primarily with the philosophical domain would also participate in Laporte's heteronomous reseau whilst others have been passed over, including for example Jean-Luc Nancy, mentioned a moment ago, and Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe. The parallel between Laporte's work and the Tel Quel programme is at its most apparent at the time of the Fugue series, in the metaphorics of the writing-machine and of the jeu, for example, and more generally in the conception of ecriture and of the text as tissu. There are certainly strong resemblances between Laporte's work and the fiction of Philippe Sollers, particularly in the texts of what one might call Sollers's second period, Drame and Nombres.