The organizational health dimension of cohesiveness describes the state when persons, groups, or organizations have a clear sense of identity. Members feel attracted to membership in the organization. They want to stay with it, be influenced by it, and exert their influences within it. Teachers’/staff perceptions scoring at a low level of cohesiveness reflects the faculty’s lack of a clear identity as a group of teachers and staff. Teachers feel somewhat detached form the organization and are not willing to be influenced by the schools’ mission and vision. Instead, they choose to withhold their ideas and perspectives from influencing the school as an organization. Creating an organizational culture that honors teachers as professionals who are educated and knowledgeable of best practices builds an environment of collegiality and accountability. School leaders who patronize and micromanage teachers create working environments that discourage risk taking and professional responsibility instead of creating a network of highly trained professionals working together for the good of the student population they serve.