A closer scrutiny of the economic system and its consequent bonds of mutual obligation and expectation reveal major types of economic dealings and obligations within the caste network into which the community is organized. These are: obligations to render to the agriculturists occupational services having a direct bearing on their agricultural activities; and obligations to render some occupational services, to the agriculturists as well as to many non-agriculturists, having a bearing on their socio-religious life. The chapter examines the main economic functions and activities of the major caste groups in the village. The major caste groups are: the brahmin, the komtis, the kummari, the golla, the sale, the gaondla, the panch bramha group, and the sakali and the mangali. The families of Vaddars always have sufficient work, either in Shamirpet itself or in some of the neighbouring villages. The Madigas are the lowest caste in Shamirpet. Economically, they constitute the poorest section of the community.