The people of Shamirpet, like the other peasants of Andhra, exercise considerable reserve in their initial dealings with outsiders. The first impression that one gets regarding their attitude is one of extreme constriction, suspiciousness and guarded behaviour. A study of inter-group relations will give a better idea of the nature and quality of the attitudes that largely govern interpersonal relations in the community. The chapter examines the inter-caste attitudes embodied in stereotypes, and analyses similar attitudes and opinions covering two sets of rival groups—educated and uneducated, and those with urban contacts and those without them. It details the three most significant stages of life—childhood, youth and old age. Within the village community there is an appreciable degree of inter-caste and inter-family co-operation. Personal disputes, minor property and land disputes, sex offences and conflicts arising out of breach of contract generally come up for hearing and decision before the village council.