Skehan identifies two characteristics of the extrovert. One is sociability, they are the gregarious, people-oriented individuals. The other is impulsivity; extroverts often act on the spur of the moment, and are prepared to take risks. In Naiman et al.'s (1978) good language learner study, Eysenck's scale is used with a large number of pupils. Common sense might suggest that there could be a connection between extroversion and oral performance. As far as language learning (if not fishing) is concerned, the jury is still out. As J. McDonough puts it, there is not yet 'much hard evidence that strategy training leads to improvement in language learning outcomes.' According to Dornyei (2005) educationalists have in recent times begun to replace the notion of learning strategies with the concept of self-regulation. The learning strategies approach involves, as we have seen, trying to identify techniques or strategies which can be associated with successful learning.