This chapter will explore the therapeutic power of the natural world, synthesizing the existing research on incorporating nature into therapy and giving multiple practical examples of how to structure play therapy interventions to utilize the outdoors more fully. The Nurture House playground will be described in terms of the proprioceptive and vestibular need meeting that is supported. The mindful benefits of walking will be explored as well as the attachment resonance that can be augmented through shared exploration of the natural world. Case examples will illustrate powerful metaphors that can be used to grapple with trauma content. From bugs to snakes to rushing and still waters, trauma content can be approached in many ways when mitigated by a child’s involvement with the natural world. Even a conversation about what is needed to help plants and animals grow becomes a powerful invitation to children exploring their own caregiving. Moreover, the natural world provides many opportunities for creativity, problem solving, and playful use of the imagination, and examples of these opportunities are given throughout the chapter.