MMMA II, 690. Melnicki writes, “ Die Schrift ist . . . manchmal radiert und daruber geschrieben, wie auf fol. 82v/83 . . . Offentlich von anderer Hand geschrieben [sind] . . . Gloria, Sanctus und Agnus (fol. 82v /83 , S. 5 2 2 —5 2 4 ).” No one has remarked upon the odd fact that an Agnus Dei is found at all in this Old Roman Easter Vigil mass nor proposed a reason for its presence. In Gregorian MSS it was omitted, according to the earliest records we have. See Rene-Jean Hesbert, Antiphonale Missarum Sextuplex (1 9 3 5 ) ,pp. lxi, lx ii;p p .98,99;an d the quotation from Amalar of Metz in ftn. 5 on p. lxi. Agnus Dei is omitted for the Easter Vigil in Ordo Romanus I. Does the specific rubric iii uicibus of MS Vat. lat. 5319 — ruling out dona nobis pacem as the third petition) confirm at this early date a Lateran origin for the MS? The thirteenth-century MS S. Pietro B 79 gives dona nobis pacem for the third Agnus Dei of Schildbach’s melody 98 — the new melody copied over the original Agnus Dei in MS Vat. lat. 5319 , for which the original rubric iii uicibus was allowed to remain.