This chapter contains PESTLIED Model; the principles on which it is based; underlying assumptions; guidance on application, and relevant issues; and related models. PESTLIED is a mnemonic which represents various environmental factors that can usefully be addressed when analysing an organization. The importance of the various PESTLIED factors varies according to the nature of the organization. Besides PESTLIED factors, there are other factors or environments that affect organizations for example, the competitive environment. The PESTLIED analysis tool would usually be employed in conjunction with Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats analysis. PESTLIED may be used in the analysis and audit of organizations. The model may be used as a checklist in the planning process to ensure that the forecast effects of PESTLIED factors are taken into account. The use of the PESTLIED factors encourages managers to become less insular and to consider the impact of external influences upon their organizations.