This chapter talks about the matter of the Castilian chancery and the transfer in 1230/31 of the office of chancellor of Castile which as archbishop of Toledo don Rodrigo enjoyed ex officio, from him to don Juan de Soria, abbot of Valladolid at the time. According to the formal record, so far as don Rodrigo was concerned the transfer of the Castilian chancery was done with his full acquiescence. As the mitred manifestation of the sainted ruler, the archbishop has accordingly been assumed to have occupied a central position in the government of the kingdom. On 2 January 1231, don Rodrigo and the church of Toledo received from the king a significant grant of territory in the termino of Baeza in the eastern part of the kingdom of Jaen, and later that same month the towns and territories of Quesada and Toya in the same region.