It happened that, on the very day of the intelligence I had received from Thomas, I was compelled to leave my home upon a business of importance relative to one of my neighbours, that could no way be dispensed with. For weeks before, I had scarcely quitted my dwelling, or been one entire hour out of the sight of my wife. This sort of confinement could not be supported for ever. But I persuaded myself that the crisis that gave birth to it, must be of brief duration. For the sake of every one, of me, his mistress and himself, it was necessary that William should go once more into a state of voluntary banishment. I was willing to / make any sacrifice, as far as money was concerned, to procure him an eligible destiny. This was no more than he was amply entitled to from my hands; and the peace of all the parties concerned imperiously prescribed it. It seemed to be the most desirable mode for accomplishing my purpose, that I should myself have an interview with William, should urge the necessity of his compliance upon him with a power of conviction that no other person could attain to, and answer his objections, and remove his difficulties, if any presented themselves. But this was a matter of exceeding delicacy, and that required the utmost previous consideration and meditation. It was true that I had reason to think he was in my neighbourhood. Yet to encounter him would probably be a question of some difficulty. He would scarcely be to be found at the moment that I wished to see him.