It remains for me to finish my tale. Catherine, the exemplary Catherine, vainly imagined that in freeing me from the terrors of legal retribution she would restore me to tranquillity. It was no such thing. Conscience is too true a monitor, to suffer her dictates to be baffled. I had done that, I had contracted such a guilt, as all the waters of the ocean could never wash away. In the actual experiment I think I may say, that my being driven from country to country, kept in a state of eternal alarm, and not knowing a moment that I could call my own, was a relief to me. It gave me occupation, and called on me for incessant activity. / Even when I put on the most studied disguise, when I moulded every motion of my body, and every intonation of my voice, to a feigned and unnatural strain, this still gave me something to do, and kept my attention on the stretch. I had now one unvaried holiday for anguish and remorse.