In the autumn of the year the general election took place, and Southwoldshire returned William Massarene, whilst Limehouse selected a labour member to represent its interests. 354 His majority was smaller than the Carlton agent 355 had calculated and the Conservative press prophesied, but that made little impression on him, though it disappointed his party. A large portion of the country-folks would not hear of the newcomer, who had turned out the Roxhalls. ‘He’s no more nor us, that chap, and an uncommon ugly jowl he’ve got,’ said one old gaffer to another, as they munched their noonday snack under the hedge which they had been cutting down into the hideousness demanded by high farming, or behind which they had been drenching the mosses and lichens of old apple-trees with a solution of lime and sublimate of iron, as scientific experts advise. 356