At Yoresett House the winter promised to be a winter indeed; a ‘winter of pale misfortune.’ 56 For three days after her conversation with old Mrs. Paley, Judith had maintained silence, while her heart felt as if it were slowly breaking. She had revolved a thousand schemes in her mind. Strange and eerie thoughts had visited her in her desolation. She loved her two sisters with all the love of her 188intense and powerful nature. She cherished them, and always had done: she was capable of self-immolation for their sakes. But her reason, which was as strong as her heart (which combination made her what she was) told her that in this case self-immolation would be vain. Rhoda might be left unconscious and happy for the present, but Delphine must know the truth, and that soon. Immolation would be required from her also. Judith shuddered as she thought of it. When her younger sisters casually mentioned Randulf Danesdale’s name, and laughed and jested with one another about him, Judith felt as if some one had suddenly dealt her a stab, or a blow, which took away her breath.