Andrew Heron first came to the United States (as he says in his application to become a citizen of this country in 1840) in the year 1807. He was nineteen years of age. He remained a while at Cambridge, New York, where he studied theology and was licensed to preach by the Associate church. For a number of years he acted as missionary, traveling on horseback through Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and the Carolinas, and preached to the congregations in those states. In 1818 he was settled in Rock-bridge county, Virginia, where he remained thirteen years. During this time he acted for a while as professor of languages in Washington College at Lexington, the same over which General Lee presided at the time of his death. In 1831 he removed with a considerable part of his congregation, and formed what was known as the Caesarscreek congregation, near Jamestown, Greene county, Ohio.