Robert Hargitt merchant, Guilford, one of the older residents of Dearborn County, was born in Miller Township in 1826. His father, Thomas Hargitt, located in the same township in 1814. He was a native of Yorkshire, England, and is still living in his eighty-seventh year. He married Ann Mason when about twenty-three years of age, and located on land deeded to him by his grandfather, Thomas Hargitt, and has since chiefly resided in the same locality. From early manhood he was engaged in the local ministry, until his advanced age compelled him to retire from that field of labor. Robert Hargitt passed his early years on the farm, and received the ordinary common school education of those days. After his marriage Mr. Hargitt took up agricultural pursuits, which he followed till 1862, when he, with his brother, George W. Hargitt, purchased the stock of general merchandise owned by Daniel Chitister, at Guilford, and engaged in mercantile business in that village.