After the extermination of the Inferior Races there was, as it were, a breathing-space. There were vast tracts of land awaiting occupants, and into which immigrants soon began to flock, changing the aspect of the country as they came, and bringing the advancing civilisation of the White Man along with them. The face of Africa changed like a dream; no longer paralysed by the ownership of savage brute and no less savage man; no longer allowed to remain in rank virginity of forest, jungle, swamp, and wilderness, it blossomed into rich 112and regular luxuriance of cultivation beneath the White Man's tread. Towns and villages arose in its fertile wastes, and even cities of no mean note grew upon the banks of Congo and of Niger, on the shores of Nyanza and Tanganyika; while husbandmen of English blood made fertile the valleys of the Mountains of the Moon. All through the 'Dark Continent' peace and plenty reigned, where for ages past the soulless, mindless, reasonless heathendom of the Negro had cast a blight over a natural paradise.