Another favourite project of Vaurien, was that of assembling the dispersed Hebrews. This impious project (as a good Catholic terms it) was not peculiar to the political imagination of this Gaul; since, among others, two of his compatriots meditated the same design. The Marquis of Langalerie, at the commencement of this century, disappointed at every court to which he resorted, prepared to collect these fugitive Asiatics in the isles of the Archipelago. 429 A genius of a sublimer character, the famous Marechal Saxe, having merely missed possessing / the empire of Russia by his inconstancy in love, 430 solaced his ambition by a fanciful sovereignty over the wanderers of Israel. This project is of that inviting and plausible kind, that it will never be extinct in the romantic and chimerical heads of some fervid adventurers; but there exist opposing reasons in the character of this people, which, depending on principles in nature, are irreversible. The children of Jacob are composed of all nations, and cannot blend alike with the people among whom they reside; as there are metals in nature, which no chymical process can amalgamate with others.