In the morning Dr. Homily performed family-prayers to his visitors, and Tim played on the organ some anthems and church-music, which highly delighted the chiefs. Sancho also executed some musical pieces, greatly to their amazement, on the French horn. They handled and gazed on these instruments with a kind of religious awe, looking as if they thought some angelic spirit breathed through them its mellow dulcet strains, and that ‘None but a God could surely dwell Within the hollow of the shell.’ 511 They were then conducted over the pleasure-grounds; and the Doctor descanted on the sublimity of the prospects, and the beauty and utility of the improvements. / They confessed it was all wondrous pretty; but that the beauties of nature were as little improved by those decorations, as Ancuna’s figure, air, and symmetry of limbs, would be by stays, a long cloak, petticoats, hoops, or furbelows. 512 Sancho described the advantages of the gardens, orchards, and hot-houses; when Tonondoric, shaking his head, observed, ‘Brother raven, you and I have little, and we sit loose on the earth. These fine things are like the roots of the great tree; they fasten the man to the earth, and make it hard for him to quit it. He that has so much to love, and so much to lose, must have much to fear. You and I have nothing to fear, but guilt and dishonour.’