Dr. Homily, accompanied by Mr. M’Gregor, waited the next day on Mr. Moody. They found him out of danger, and rapidly recovering his health and strength. He acknowledged his obligations to the Doctor, for his warm expressions of friendship; and observed, ‘That this critical change was the more agreeable, as it enabled him to do justice to a brave and magnanimous gentleman. I am sorry to find, to the disgrace of human nature, and my own private regret, that some persons have carried their malice so far, as to give the most / unfair and wicked representation of the late unfortunate affray. I shudder to think of the consequences that might have resulted to the life and fame of your grandson, from the great distortions, which I find have been made of the facts. So far from assaulting me, he calmly requested my forbearance. I commenced the attack; and though he nobly gave me my life after disarming me, I persisted in compelling him to renew the combat; which was conducted by him, till I sunk under my wounds, with the highest honour. He even exposed himself to capture, by endeavouring to carry me, in his arms, to my house. I return thanks to Heaven for preserving my life, to save his, and justify his wounded honour.’