AS Lady Euston’s spirits returned, she began to feel her desire of usefulness and dreams of equality reviving in her mind; but still as these ebullitions only now and then broke forth, in a fit of fraternizing with the village dames, or a whimsical exclamation on the injustice of employing our fellow-creatures in labour we should think it a hardship to perform ourselves; whilst she contented herself with lamenting and endeavouring to ameliorate the hard lot of her dairy maids; and in trying to excite such a spirit of justice in Sir Charles, as should lead him to employ himself with his farming-men in the sublime occupation of ploughing and harrowing; he was content to smile a little and argue a little, / without taking the pains he ought to have done, to eradicate the latent sparks of the new light, which, though smothered for a season, had lost none of its ground in her heart.