The two young friends were permitted to ride out together, under the care of an old groom, who prided himself on having initiated Sir William Eagle-field in the science of horsemanship, and who was not a little flattered with the trust of instructing the young Baronet in the same manly exercise. It is true Mr. Mortlock was a little offended at the jockey hitch 9 of the young horsemen in a trot, and lamented the want of the riding-school graces, to whose remonstrances old Robert always replied with a scratch of the head – ‘Lord, Master, what signifies shew? – I have rode / the most unruly horses in the county, and taken many a five-barred gate and stone wall, both standing and flying, and never got a fall in my life, except my horse came down with me.’ He did not, however, suffer his pupils to practice the same dangerous lessons, never permitting them to take a leap but over a loose hurdle that would give way to the touch, or to put their horses to the speed, but on a turf or a smooth barley or oat stubble.