The purpose of development is to put people and what they value most—their security, aspirations, needs and rights—at the centre stage. And this is the way human development is defined—as a process of widening choices, enhancing people's capabilities, fulfilling rights and expanding freedoms. Sikkim has consciously adopted human development policies that have expanded opportunities, enhanced security, and promoted sustainability. In tracing Sikkim's human development, it is necessary to recognize certain unique features of the state. One, Sikkim, is the India's least populous state. Two, Sikkim is a mountainous, landlocked state. Three, Sikkim displays exceptional biodiversity—the result of its unique bio-geographic location, with Tibet in the north and the Bay of Bengal in south. Four, Sikkim exhibits unusually diverse climatic conditions. Five, Sikkim enjoys a strategic geo-political advantage. Six, Sikkim enjoys special status under Article 371F of the Constitution of India. Seven, originally the land of Lepchas, Sikkimese society bears a strong influence of Tibetan Lamaic traditions and Hinduism as well.