Reality is socially constructed. According to Berger and Lucl(mann ( 1966), "the man in the streets inhabits a world that is "real" to him, although in different degrees of confidence, which this world possesses such and such characteristics ... He takes his 'reality' and 'knowledge' for granted" (p. 1 ). However, people are constrained within their own environments. Mills (1959) contends: Athey are bound by the private orbits in which they live ... Their visions and their powers are limited to the close-up scenes of job, family, neighborhood ... A (p. 3). Children's reality is also socially constructed and this construction is influenced by the same factors that forge the common sense world of their adult counterparts. However, authority figures, social economic status, others' perceptions, the setting, and many significant factors are also critical in the construction of this reality.