This chapter provides a basic aspects of teleworking and indicated how teleworking may be of benefit to Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals. Successful teleworking requires good management skills and an awareness of the issues involved. These include identifying jobs suitable for teleworking and selecting suitable people. Guidelines are useful to clarify the responsibilities of teleworkers and their managers. Generally they cover issues like ownership of equipment and arrangements regarding its repair, payment of bills for heating and telecommunications, insurance of work and equipment, health and safety, and training. Effective communication is crucial to successful teleworking, along with the ability to select appropriate technology for particular kinds of communication. For home-based teleworking, adequate space is necessary for working and storage. In a library or information service environment, typical tasks for teleworking include report writing, research, online information retrieval and cataloguing. While teleworking is still fairly uncommon among library staff, many LIS professionals work as information consultants.