Cultural Relativism is repulsive because it imposes the answers from the outside and denies the freedom to think on moral issues. Moral freedom is part of the process of growing up. Moral truths are relative to the individual. Ima Subjectivist gave us a clear formulation of an important approach to morality. Suppose that Ima Subjectivist's irresponsible friends like to get drunk and hurt people. Society would fall apart if everyone followed the subjectivist model of moral reasoning – where we do just what we like, regardless of how this affects other people. Ima Subjectivist talked about the freedom to form people's own moral beliefs. The ideal-observer view is a vast improvement over cultural relativism and subjectivism. David Hume was a Scottish philosopher who greatly influenced moral philosophy. The two phases of his ethical thinking correspond roughly to subjectivism and to the ideal-observer theory.