Emotivism says that moral judgments are emotional exclamations and not truth claims. The scientific attitude isn't the only road to emotivism. Emotivism sees a moral judgment as an expression of feeling, not a statement that's literally true or false. Emotivism explains morality more simply. Emotivism explains more facts about morality. The reason people can't define "good" in purely descriptive terms is that "good" is emotional. Emotivism makes morality more understandable. Intuitionism has no practical advantage over emotivism. Instead, emotivism has the advantage, since it shows that people can go further by appealing to emotion. People sometimes claim that emotivism would destroy morality and the moral life. Ima Emotivist has given a clear formulation of an important approach to morality. Her view challenges those of us who want to believe in moral truths and moral knowledge, and who hope for a stronger role for reason in ethics. Emotivism would also reduce to exclamations other norms of scientific method.