This chapter explains the golden-rule (GR) logic, moral consistency norms, emphasizing the GR. GR is a global standard, endorsed by nearly every religion and culture, important for families and professionals across the planet, and a key part of a global-ethics movement. Loose GR wordings invite objections; many academics dismiss GR as a folksy proverb that self-destructs when analyzed. The GR formula commands consistency. GR, far from being vague, is a precise consistency test. The literal GR ignores such differences and has us treat everyone the same way, in accord with theneeds and circumstances. The heart of morality is GR. GR should build on self-love and extend this to others. GR consistency, to lead reliably to right action, needs to combine with other things, like knowledge and imagination. GR is golden (valuable) because it captures so much of the spirit behind morality.