Stockings of the Forties were held up with garter belts, and most girdles had garters to hold up the stockings. Although pantyhose were not invented until 1959, they are a convenient substitute for stockings especially when hidden under skirts. Stockings in the Forties had seams up the back. Seamed hose can be purchased online or faked with a sewing machine. Use a size 9 ball point needle and the zig zag stitch. Fold each leg of the hose to find center back of the leg. Zig zag a narrow seam overlapping this fold. This technique works best with new hose that have an obvious leg shape. It also works better with the slightly thicker varieties than the ultra sheer styles. If the budget will only allow for economy tube shaped pantyhose, fold the panty and leg in half front to back and iron on low heat to find the center back. Buy a couple extra pair in case you snag some while stitching.