This chapter explores the interplay between adult and child, unpicking the myriad of influences which determine quality and ownership of material engagements. Using Virginia Axline's principles as a cornerstone, an approach is offered for supporting and enriching children's messy play. R. Watts drew our attention to myriad of decisions which underpin resource provision and the intentionality behind enhanced provision. From the materials themselves to how and where these are arranged, types of containers or tools offered as accompaniments, and time made available, all these factors and more influence play and exploration which emerges. An awareness of this is key to providing for children's unmet needs or considering how resources are offered to broaden or deepen use. Children's engagement is fundamental to planning in the moment with young children. While an adult may choose to distance themselves from sensory experience of paint by using a paintbrush, children need to physically engage with it to try to understand the wet silky-smooth paint.