The forces operative in Society are incontestably psychological in origin. This term is very often wrongly used, even in scientific works; it is applied more as a poetical or literary phrase than with strict accuracy, for example “in the grey mists of the most ancient times”. In popular language, prehistory generally means the Diluvial or Glacial Ages. Truly prehistoric human beings are extinct in this stage of the world’s history. Palaeontology holds the clue which enables to read part of the riddle of prehistoric humanity. It is comprehensible that the views of scientists have differed so widely on these manifestations when people reflect that neither historic records, nor contemporary ethnology, nor any other sources of information were available. Prehistory excels all subsequent cultural stages, not only in duration, but also in importance. The prehistory of humanity must be relegated to the immensely remote ages of the Tertiary Geological epoch.