The era of managerialism started with the affirmation of corporate managers in the management of the nation itself. A. L. Cunliffe's argument leads to the link between neoliberalism and managerialism. Managerialism in its popular sense started in the USA, where production and management techniques such as Taylorism, Fordism and Porter's theory were later extended worldwide. Alvesson, M. and Spicer, A. address the diffuse 'if not, a dominant' compliance of academics to managerialism. In managerial regimes, managerialism justifies its predominance on the grounds of managing a group's superior education and exclusive possession of 'people in positions of institutional power'. Managerialism was credited with the prosperity of the Eisenhower 1950s. The analysis of Taptiklis, T. on the 'nature of managerialism' identifies the main features that managerialism adopts towards people in organisation and society. Grey, C. highlights the oppressive character of managerialism's project. Managerialism's false universalisation not only is oppressive, it also seeks to eliminate the class character of managerial capitalism.