The high rate of consumerism is believed to be spreading product discontent and environmental insensitivity. Several attempts have been made to curb materialism and the rising trend of consumerism, including media campaigns, consumer education schemes and government-regulated consumption policies. Pro-environment consumer behaviour leads the consumer to actively think about the impact of consumption decisions on the environment. Planned decision-making is not only more useful to the consumer, but it also helps in breaking free of the materialism-loneliness trap. Consumer-friendly administrative bodies have also made efforts through taxation and legislation to curb materialistic consumption in different countries. The whole purchase mechanism and the planned decision-making can effectively impose control over and curb the materialistic orientations of the consumer. The impact of socio-centric motivation purchases on the sustained happiness of the consumer remains to be postulated into a theory. Socio-centric purchase motivations are centred on sharing and care for others.