Chapter 8 covers the issue of the fourth enabler of employee engagement, which is organisational integrity. The meaning and importance of integrity is discussed, as well as the fact that it has to be inherent in engaging managers and visionary leaders if they are to be effective in the long term. Managers simply sharing the results of their own personal Motivational Map is cited as an example of integrity that is often overlooked, because more generally managers often require staff to do things – share information – that they themselves are unwilling to do; thus, an immediate disconnect arises between the manager and their team. An extremely useful tool – a Team Map Prediction Grid – is recommended and illustrated as a powerful way for managers to share and be open with their staff. The four key mind-sets referred to in Chapter 4 are now unpacked in detail: taking personal responsibility is set within the context of choosing to be a victor or a victim and choosing to blame others versus learning something constructive. Particular attention is paid to not blaming poorly motivated employees, and providing 16 reasons why staff may be demotivated.